The Arborist’s Creed and Principles of Practice

The Arborist’s Creed and Principles of Practice

We will keep the thought before us that trees are the friends of man; that from the beginning they have furnished him with food, shelter, clothing, and weapons; that in all ways they make the world more habitable and beautiful for all creatures.

We will do all in our power to subdue insect pests and diseases of trees, and to obviate unfavorable conditions in their environments.

We will endeavor to impart a just appreciation and understanding of trees, as living things, to those with whom we come in contact, but we will divulge our knowledge of tree lore only to those fit and ready to receive it, and then only in so far as they are prepared.

We will not treat a tree for pay if we are convinced that the tree is dying and we cannot save it. Neither will we leave a tree or branch that is a menace to life or property without disclosing the danger to all parties concerned, and suggesting the means that would render it safe.

We will not knowingly use injurious or useless materials or methods in filling, feeding, treating, or spraying trees or shrubbery, nor allow it to be done by others under our charge.

We will perform all services pertaining to our profession to the best of our ability at the time we deem most suitable to gain the best results.

Should we discover a tree with an incurable disease or an uncontrollable insect pest that may threaten surrounding trees, we will draw the attention of the proper persons to the condition so that the menace may be promptly checked. Likewise, if we observe the start of an epidemic of pests or disease which we may check by private means, we will do so.

We will remember that those who employ us possess the virtue of respect for the things of nature and should be appreciated for that trait; and, further, that they may be as fond of the more delicate growth beneath the trees as they are of the trees themselves, so we will use care that our treatment does such growth no avoidable harm.

We will do whatever we may, legally, to prevent the ignorant or wanton destruction or mutilation of trees.

We will disclose no means of surreptitiously destroying trees or shrubbery.

We will endeavor at all times to so conduct ourselves that our craft shall merit the highest respect and esteem of all persons.

We will consistently strive to improve our craft.

Further, our fellow-workers and competitors, if they be true craftsmen, have like problems and strivings, and we will accord them the same consideration that we expect ourselves.

Millard F. Blair, Author
© 1935 by Millard F. Blair
Officially adopted by The California Arborists Association, Inc.

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